21CSLA Equity Statement
Leaders for equity transform education to improve access, opportunity, and inclusion for students and adults, especially those who are systemically marginalized and historically underserved, so that they can thrive.
Strategies include:
- Providing responsive, just-in-time professional learning to emerging issues and circumstances
- Prioritizing issues of equity and building capacity to lead for equity within all professional learning
- Practicing continuous improvement that uses multiple sources and types of data to identify issues of access, opportunity, and inclusion, especially those who are systemically marginalized and historically underserved.
Impact Statement
In partnership with the California Department of Education (CDE), California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE), State Board of Education (SBE), California Subject Matter Projects (CSMP), and Regional Academies, 21CSLA will develop a robust, equity-forward approach to expand the capacity of California leaders at all levels. Informed by improvement science, this initiative will improve instruction, schools, and districts to better meet the needs of underserved students, ultimately creating more equitable schools for historically marginalized pupil groups.
Guiding Principles
- Support productive critical dialogue across the state to address pervasive leadership challenges that impede student learning, especially for underserved student populations.
- Focus on leadership for equity, including issues of instruction, at 3 levels: teacher leaders, site leaders, and district leaders.
- Model and build capacity in alignment with the CA Quality Professional Learning Standards (QPLS) and culture of continuous improvement.
- Use differentiated design that is informed by local needs and job-embedded.
- Develop and model alignment with priorities of CDE, CCEE, and SBE.
Goals & Outcomes
Area 1: Collaborative Organizational Structures
Create ongoing meeting, work group, communication, and data structures that facilitate the collaborative and inclusive work of the project.
Area 2: Educational Partner Engagement
Connect, engage, and partner with TK-12 leaders, external organizations, and the State System of Support to support inclusive educational partner input and engagement.
Area 3: Digital Learning Hub
Establish a learning hub to practice, innovate and develop digitally mediated professional learning with priority focus on supporting the development of leading for equity and continuous improvement.
Area 4: Statewide Special Projects
Deepen system-wide capacity for TK-12 leaders through the 21CSLA approach for prioritized topics
Area 5: 21CSLA Research and Evaluation
Collaborate with researchers and internal evaluators to improve 21CSLA and build knowledge about equity leadership and continuous improvement for the broader education community.
Area 6: Communities of Practice (CoP)
Facilitate small, sustained, and role-alike professional learning cohorts grounded in leadership for equity, continuous improvement, and digitally mediated learning.
Area 7: Localized Professional Learning
Provide a variety of forms of professional learning informed by regional needs and local input.
Area 8: Leadership Coaching
Provide individualized coaching that is built on relational trust, aligned to the CPSEL, focused on equity-centered problems of practice using continuous improvement principles.