Vignette: Podcasting


Podcasting is a digital audio content creation method.


Podcasting utilizes audio recordings to critically consume and produce content, shared in episodes to promote access, engagement, and prompt deeper learning.


Learners listen to, engage with, and create podcast content, consisting of interviews, music, perspective-taking, and reflection.

Podcasting and 21CSLA

21CSLA State Center and Berkeley School of Education Leadership Programs launched the podcast Equity Leadership Now! In Episode 1, “Harmonizing a New Pulse of Leadership,” Professor Jabari Mahiri is interviewed by Professor Robyn Ilten-Gee.

Ilten-Gee researches how digital media production (e.g. podcasting and multimedia journalism) in classroom settings facilitates a process of students rethinking and revising conclusions and judgments about the world and themselves, and published the book Moral Education for Social Justice, with insights on cultivating critical digital pedagogy and the Four Phases of Critical Podcast Production:

  1. Critical questioning
  2. Critical connections
  3. Critical construction
  4. Critical conclusion
The podcast relies on multiple voices to convey a message. Domain-based moral education has embraced the idea of heteroglossia, or multiple voices, which suggests that as we move through life, we are confronted with multiple perspectives and ideas that represent partial truths.
Moral Education for Social Justice

Equity Leadership Now! hosts conversations with equity-conscious leaders from PreK through university settings who transform structures and strategies for educating, particularly for those who are marginalized. We explore their innovative ideas and compelling work to realize individual, social, and environmental justice at the intersection of research, policy, and practice—because our democracy depends on it.

Listen at, deepen your learning with each episode’s discussion guide and in community, and comment and share your examples of podcasting on California Educators Together.